Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

This photo is from 2 weeks ago, when Alex and I participated in the SILAIS Clinic's vaccination journey. We worked with a team of about 25 volunteer doctors and nurses from the Carazo area, travelling around to all the rural communities and schools to administer vaccines like heb-b, tetanus and polio to the local kids and their families. It's great to see an effort like this, as its almost impossible for these people to travel that long distance from their remote farms to the city clinics to have their children vaccinated. It's really tough and tiring work, sometimes involving going from farm to farm, house to house, trying to track everyone down in each community. But, in the end, its all worth it, when you know that preventable illnesses are actually being prevented.

Alex's last party night at the newly opened "Baby Rock Sports Bar"... Formerly known as "La Akadamia, con 'K' de Karaoke", as you can see in the old sign behind us. My guess is that they're leaving it up because it's so classicly rediculous, and brings great joy and amusement to all.

This horn-spike tree is found in dry tropical climates, like that of Rancho Guadaloupe on the road to La Boquita. So many species of plants in these areas are covered in protective armour, usually in the form of sharp and in some cases (although not this one, obviously) practiaclly invisible spines.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Hangin out with Rafael, after some beers for breaky - yes, it's holy week, and I'm on Ometepe... yes, again! You'd think I'd try to like, avoid hanging out on active volcanic islands... but apparently danger is my middle name.

Punta de Jesus Maria - you won't see this anywhere else in the world

Delicious dried pescado... a tradition for Semana Santa here in Nica Land.
This photo was taken on a placement scouting trip to Ometepe. Raquel and I had a great time and got to see the island through the eyes of the locals. Thanks to Hidalgo and his family for their amazing kindness and hospitality, the mayor and all the great people at the Alcaldia for showing us the secrets of the island, Padre Leonardo for doing such great work in the community, and especially Blanca and "golden hands" for making the best hamborguesa in all of Nicaragua!

It all went by too fast, didn't it ladies? Soo... when are you coming back?

My girlz

Cheyanca had a great time too! Look close... yep! She's an armadillo!!

Ha ha! Who could forget this moment?? Don't look so excited Annie!

Sunset at Charco Verde, Ometepe

The Carson chicks!!! (this was before the food poisoning episode...)

Auntie's favorite spot - Ojo de Agua

Off to Ometepe for the next part of our adventure...

Good times at Big Wave Daves. Next time I'm in San Juan I'll be sure to drop by and say hi to the resident restaruant cat.

Soccer at sunset in San Juan. *Ahem* who won that game Annie pannie!?

Waiting for ceviche on a bamboo patio by a dirt road in Mesaya. How very Nica!

Ha ha! Told you! Surfing battle wounds! Mine stuck around for like 2 weeks

Surfs up in San Juan del Sur. Annie and I both had the monster bruises to prove it!

I waited and waited for this day and it finally came. My 3 favorite women in the whole wide world came all the way to Nicaragua to visit me. This is me and Annie at Katarina. We took about seventy nine thousand pics of ourselves, so I figured I'd post the nicest one, right Ann? lol

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Franchell at the bus station after our Grenada trip. Damn girl! Why'd you have to go back to Texas? Nicaragua needs your super surgeon skills! And I miss ya!

Cathedral in downtown Grenada

Bird hammocks

Franchell and I decided to take a boat tour around the 365 islands off the shoreline of Grenada last week. The islands were formed by the massive erruption of Volcan Mombacho thousands of years ago, and they are now populated by wealthy landowners, and are even home to a small community of locals, who go to school on an island! This pic is of a group of schoolgirls rowing thier way home from thier morning classes.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Fond nica memories forever etched on Susan's helmit... This was at the airport, where I fully cried when the guys took of for chilly Canada. Who knew I would love them so much?

To all you crazy Canadians: Thank you sooo much for coming to Nicaragua and letting me share this experiene with you. I hope you'll all come back again someday! I miss you! Diacachimba!!

Ha ha! Who could forget the karioke bar??? Poor Vanessa, a local karioke bully came right up and snatched the mic out of her hand!! What a douche! It's ok chica I think your a GREAT singer!!

Oh, and building sand castles of course... How cute is Graeme??

Our trip to San Juan del Sur was the perfect end to a perfect week. We spent 2 days lounging on this beautiful beach, drinking pina coladas, playing soccer and just soaking up the rays. I can't believe the week went by so fast! I miss the guys so much! We had such a great time together.

We were lucky enough to have a famous Nicaraguan ballet troupe perform right in our living room! The night ended with a group dance session to some awesome Carribean tunes! Raquel really rocked the house that night!! Then a few of the boy ballerinas joined us at Rumbass, the local salsa bar, the next night, and twirled us girls around the dance floor! So fun!

Our trip to Katarina included this awesome pottery demonstration by one of the many local artists in the area. This guy pumped out 3 amazing pieces in like 20 minutes!

Hey! We couldn't be expected to work ALL the time!! Meet Tona, Nicaragua's favorite local Cerveza. This was the "table lable" competition, me and Sonya totally kicked butt!! Go team TONA!!!!

Nap time!!